Halloween Trivia Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Halloween Trivia crossword puzzle.
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- Halloween
Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.
- Spooky Halloween
- witch : her cackle crashes through the midnight sky as she rides around on her brromstick
- zombie : one who is undead
- werewolf : human by day and creature by night. silver bullet anyone?
- boogey man : this monster lives under your bed! he is the reason you are afraid to sleep with your light off!
- black cat : don't let this cross your path, or bad luck will be headed your way!
- costume : wear it on october 31st!
- pumpkin : carve and hollow this
- frankenstein : with body parts of different creatures, and bolts sticking out either side of his neck, he has a face not even a mother could love!
- vampire : a blood thirsty villain
- candy : result of trick or treating!
- clown : big red nose and spooky hair. originally created for fun a laughter , some have turned to the dark side!
- trick or treat : kids love to do this on halloween night!
- haunt : ghost do this!
- ghost : these creatures are not always demonic or vengeful, some are lonely and restless waiting for someone or something to get them to the other side