Halloween Quiz Crossword Puzzle

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Halloween Quiz Crossword Puzzle

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  • spiderweb: a web spun by spiders, often used as a symbol of halloween decorations.
  • black cat: a superstition states that crossing paths with this creature brings bad luck.
  • cat: a black feline creature often associated with witches and superstitions.
  • haunted: describing a place believed to be visited by ghosts or spirits.
  • mummy: a preserved body, often wrapped in bandages, associated with ancient egyptian culture and horror movies
  • skeleton: the framework of bones supporting the body of a vertebrate.
  • vampire: a mythical creature that feeds on the blood of the living.
  • zombie: a fictional undead creature that is revived through supernatural means.
  • masquerade: a costume party or event where attendees wear masks and costumes to conceal their identities.
  • ghost: the spirit or apparition of a deceased person.
  • trick: a mischievous action or prank often associated with halloween.
  • treat: a reward or gift, especially in the form of candy, given during halloween.
  • witch: a woman believed to have magical powers and often depicted with a pointed hat and broomstick.
  • wizard: a male practitioner of magic, often associated with great wisdom and power.
  • broomstick: a long, slender stick associated with witches, often used for flying.