History of Halloween Crossword Puzzle
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Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.
- All Hallow's Eve (halloween)
- celtic : a branch of european people to include irish, scottish gaelic, welsh, breton, manx, cornish, and gaulish
- roman empire : empire that was founded in 753 bc by two brothers, romulus and remus
- cemetery : a burial ground; a graveyard
- all martyrs day : day that was once celebrated in the church to honor christian martyrs
- druid : a priest, magician, or soothsayer in the ancient celtic religion
- rite : a religious or other solemn ceremony or act
- all souls day : a holy day set aside for honoring the dead
- pantheon : a former roman temple, now a church in rome
- all hallows eve : ancient celtic celebration that developed into all saints day
- pomona : the roman goddess of fruit trees
- superstition : excessive belief in and reverence for the supernatural
- halloween : october 31, celebrated by dressing in costume and soliciting candy
- soul : the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal
- saint : a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after death
- pagan : a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions
- all saints day : catholic feast day celebrated for all the saints
- spiritual : relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things
- costume : specific style of dress and accessories
- samhain : november 1, celebrated by the ancient celts as a festival for the start of winter
- christian : relating to or professing christianity or its teachings
- secular : denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis