More about Halloweem Crossword Puzzle
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- Halloween
Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.
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- Halloween Vocab
- black cats : many us pet stores and pet adoption centers ban sale or adoption of these around halloween.
- twenty one : the blockbuster movie “halloween” was made in how many days?
- seventy eight : the movie “halloween” released in the year nineteen _ _ .
- spirits : superstition says a child born on halloween has the ability to see what?
- trick or treat : “souling and guising” is another name other for what?
- fruit : is pumpkin a fruit or vegie?
- alabama : which us state bans dressing as a priest or nun for halloween?
- silly string : in hollywood during halloween, which item is banned from 12am october 31st to 12pm november 1st?
- samhain phobia : the fear of halloween is known as?
- romania : transylvania is a region of which country?
- harry houdini : name the famous magician who died on halloween?
- coven : a group of witches is called a what?
- turnips : the first jack-o-lanterns were made from what produce?
- lonchaney : who was the first actor to play the wolfman in movies?