Dry Nuts Crossword Puzzle

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Dry Nuts Crossword Puzzle

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  • seeds : the complicated truth here is that most nuts are actually _ because they generally open on their own & leave the shell. the term “nut” implies that the shell will not automatically open and release it.
  • roasting : _ nuts brings out the flavor and fragrance when they release essential oils.
  • diabetes : consuming various types of nuts help to reduce your risk of _ .
  • fiber : nuts keep you satisfied longer because of their high amounts of _ & protein which prevents them from being fattening or contributing to weight gain.
  • six : because of their oil content, nuts can go bad. they can be kept in a pantry for up to _ months past their “best by” date & in the fridge for up to a year.
  • fruit : nuts are scientifically considered _ because they protect the seed inside.
  • decrease : consuming various types of nuts help to _ inflammation.
  • smell : if you’re not sure if your nuts have gone bad, the easiest way to tell is to _ them.
  • calories : it was recently discovered that we don’t actually absorb all of the _ from the nuts because they are more difficult for the body to break down.
  • fat : nuts do have _ . but it is the good and natural kind that your body needs.
  • carbohydrates : one ounce of nuts contains only about five grams of _ , whereas a slice of white bread contains about 15 grams.
  • antioxidants : nuts are also full of _ which help fight free radicals in the body.
  • protein : you can count on 27 grams of _ in about one cup of nuts.
  • lower : consuming various types of nuts help to _ blood pressure.
  • heart : consuming various types of nuts help to reduce your risk of _ disease.