Youth, Health, & Wellbeing Crossword Puzzle

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Youth, Health, & Wellbeing Crossword Puzzle

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  • body mass index : the internationally recognised standard of classifying the body weigh of adults.
  • health status : the state of health of a person or population accessed with reference to various factors; ie morbidity (two words)
  • incidence : the number of new cases of a particular condition during a specific time.
  • morbidity : the state of having an illness or medical condition.
  • risk factor : influences, attributes, characteristics or exposures that increase the likelihood of a negative outcome.
  • harm minimization : a public health approach that aims to reduce the negative health, social and economic consequences of drug and alcohol use on an individual or community as a whole. (two words)
  • protective factor : influences, attributes, characteristics or exposures that increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.
  • safe injecting rooms : an example of a harm minimization strategy. (three words)
  • mortality : the number of deaths caused by a particular disease, illness or other environmental factors.
  • drink wise : a program that aims to reduces harm from substance use.
  • prevalence : number of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time.
  • suicide : a leading cause of mortality among young people.
  • obesity : a chronic complex disease defined by excessive fat deposits that can impair health.