Winter and Snow Crossword Puzzle
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- hearth fire : the fire at the hearth.
- sleigh : a sled, often made out of wood and most of the time pulled by horses or huskies.
- igloo : a house made out of ice bricks and originally from the eskimo's.
- snow : the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it _ ! let it _ ! let it _ !
- snowman : a man made out of snow.
- elf : an _ on the shelf.
- rudolph : the red nosed reindeer.
- christmas tree : what is the tree of christmas called?
- winter : the season when christmas is celebrated.
- christmas : the jolly festival of winter during december.
- santa : the saint who rides in his sleigh to give presets to thee with goodwill.
- ice : when a body of water is frozen, it becomes _ .