Summer Activities Crossword Puzzle

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Summer Activities Crossword Puzzle

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  • swimming : a fun activity in the pool or at the beach where you move through the water using your arms and legs.
  • picnic : a meal that you eat outside, often in a park, where you sit on a blanket and enjoy sandwiches and snacks.
  • camping : spending time outdoors, often in a tent, sleeping bag, and around a campfire.
  • fishing : trying to catch fish with a rod and reel, often done by a lake, river, or ocean.
  • biking : riding a two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedals, usually on roads or trails.
  • hiking : walking in nature, usually on trails or paths through forests, mountains, or parks.
  • barbecue : cooking food, like burgers and hot dogs, outside on a grill, often enjoyed with family and friends.
  • beach combing : walking along the shore looking for interesting shells, rocks, or other treasures.
  • sunbathing : relaxing outdoors, usually lying down, to soak up the sun's rays and get a tan.
  • sailing : riding in a boat with sails, using the wind to move across the water.
  • surfing : riding on waves using a special board, often done at the beach.
  • watermelon : a large, juicy fruit with pink or red flesh that's perfect for eating on hot summer days.
  • paddle boarding : standing or kneeling on a long board and using a paddle to move through the water.
  • building sandcastles : using sand to create elaborate structures like palaces or forts at the beach.
  • flying kites : sending colorful objects made of paper or fabric up into the air using strings.
  • rollerblading : moving on shoes with wheels attached in a single file, often on smooth surfaces like pavement or rinks.
  • stargazing : looking at the stars and planets in the night sky, usually with a telescope or binoculars.
  • playing frisbee : tossing a round plastic disc back and forth between players, often in an open field or park.
  • eating ice cream : enjoying a cold, sweet treat made from frozen dairy or non-dairy ingredients.
  • tent camping : sleeping outdoors in a temporary shelter made of fabric stretched over poles, often in the woods or at a campground.