Summer Things! Crossword Puzzle

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Summer Things! Crossword Puzzle

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  • heat exhaustion: condition that happens as a response to excessive loss of water and salt, usually through sweating
  • sirius: the star in the constellation canis major that inspired the term, "dog days of summer"
  • june: awareness events for this month include pride month, men's health month, & ptsd awareness month
  • watermelon: made up of 92% water, this fruit is at its peak season in the summer
  • eiffel tower: famous landmark that gains 6 inches in the summer
  • july: ice cream month
  • australia: it is mid-winter in july for this country
  • ruby: july's birthstone
  • monarch: type of butterfly that spend summers in north america
  • sextilis: originally the name for the month of august before roman emperor augustus named it after himself
  • summer: hottest and brightest of the four seasons
  • summer solstice: in alaska, this is celebrated with a midnight baseball game