Fall Holidays Crossword Puzzle
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- pumpkin : a round, orange, stemmed vegetable that grows above ground.
- ghost : the everlasting spirit of something deceased.
- settler : the initial traveler to a certain area, responsible for developing land, housing, and finding resources.
- harvest : fully grown crops are collected for use during the coming months.
- carve : to cut with a knife to put a design into something.
- potion : a liquid concoction that has been prepared to deliver a physical or mental alteration.
- scary : an object or event that is frightening or causes terror.
- zombie : a corpse that has been brought back to life by supernatural circumstances.
- autumn : a stage of weather patterns that occur in the time between summer and winter.
- mask : a covering or disguise, often intended to hide the face.
- golbin : a supernatural spirit that usually carries on with bad intent.
- cranberry : a red, acidic fruit used mainly in juices, sauces, and jelly.
- warlock : a sorcerer who uses spiritual practices for both good and evil.
- feast : an abundant meal, usually reserved for celebrations.
- vampire : mystical beings who survive by feeding off other living creatures life force.
- native : the characteristic of being from a particular place or environment.
- turkey : a larger brown or reddish bird with large tail feathers.
- yam : a plant known for it's edible, tuberous roots.
- thanks : a sign of gratitude for services received or for blessings presented to.
- haunted : having a ghost in the house that causes weird things to happen.
- costume : a set of clothes used to hide or enhance an appearance.
- spell : a magic curse used to get a desired effect.
- monster : a supernatural being described as being large or grotesque.