Pharmacoepidemiology Crossword Puzzle
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- pharmaco epidemiology : the study of the use and effects of drugs in large populations
- incidence : the number of new cases of a disease in a defined population over a specific time period
- prevalence : the total number of cases (new and existing) in a population at a specific point or over a specific period
- bias : a systematic error in the design, conduct, or analysis of a study that results in an incorrect estimate of the association between exposure and outcome
- specificity : the ability of a test to correctly identify individuals without the disease
- surveillance : the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data to monitor and control diseases
- sensitivity : the ability of a test to correctly identify individuals with the disease
- case control : a study design that compares individuals with a specific outcome (cases) to those without the outcome (controls)
- cohort : a study design that follows a group of individuals over time, comparing those exposed to a particular factor to those unexposed
- epidemiology : the study of the factors that determine the occurrence and distribution of diseases in populations
- protective factors : variables that reduce the risk of disease or mitigate its impact
- screening : the process of systematically testing individuals in a population who may be at risk for a particular disease or condition
- risk factors : the process of identifying and quantifying risk factors associated with the occurrence of diseases
- ecological : the study design that examines associations at the group or population level using aggregate data
- pharmaco vigilance : the process of continuously monitoring and assessing the safety of drugs in real-world populations