Cardiac Crossword Puzzle
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- hypertension : known as the "silent killer" due to asymptomatic signs and symptoms.
- secondary : the type of hypertension with a known cause- resulting from another disease process.
- modifiable : risk factors that one can be changed by changing your way of life.
- nonmodifiable : risk factors that are inherited and can't be changed (diabetes type 1)
- metoprolol : anti-hypertensive, beta blocker (ends in -lol), that's given for htn, mi, heart failure, angina, or arrythmias
- sinoatrial : this node is referred to as the original "pacemaker" of the heart.
- aorta : oxygenated blood leaves through this in order to get to the body
- pulmonary : these type of arteries and veins are in reverse compared to the regular cardiac system
- cholesterol : excess deposits of this will advance progression towards cad- coronary artery disease
- hdl : the type of lipoprotein you want greater than 60.
- ldl : the lipoprotein that you want less than 100.
- cad : heart disease described by impaired coronary blood flow.
- atherosclerosis : the most common cause of cad.
- angina : cad is separated into two categories of stable or unstable _ .
- endocarditis : inflammation of the inner lining of the heart chambers and valves. typically caused by bacteria
- bacteria : infective endocarditis is typically brought on by: