Neuropathology Crossword Puzzle

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Neuropathology Crossword Puzzle

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  • stem cells : a therapy to treat multiple sclerosis involves destruction of self-reactive immune cells, and replacement with hemopoietic _ to "reset" the immune system (9).
  • sporadic : most cases of alzheimer's disease are not familial, but rather are _ ? (8).
  • plaques : multiple sclerosis is characterised by many lesions, or _ , that generally worsen over time (8).
  • lewybody : a _ is an abnormal intra-cellular protein aggregate, characteristic of parkinson's disease (4,4).
  • upper : _ motor neurons connect the brain to the appropriate "level" of neurons within the spinal cord (5).
  • autoimmune : because multiple sclerosis involves the host mounting an inflammatory response against their own proteins (antigens), ms can be classified as an _ disease (4-6).
  • hippocampus : other than the cortex, this region of the brain is often atrophied in alzheimer's disease, leading to significant memory loss and inability o form new memories (11).
  • cuffing : a histological analysis of an acute inflammatory lesion in multiple sclerosis would likely show a "ring" of lymphocytes surrounding a blood vessel, termed perivascular _ ? (7).
  • amyloid : inter-cellular aggregates of _ precursor protein (plaques) contribute to the pathogenesis of alzheimer's disease (7).
  • myelin : this component of the cns is the primary target of the self-immune response in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (6).
  • lower : _ motor neurons synapse onto the neuromuscular junction and directly control muscle function (5).
  • central : multiple sclerosis affects only neurons in the _ nervous system, (7).
  • dopamine : parkinson's disease is characterised by a primary loss of this neurotransmitter (8).
  • basal ganglia : defects in parkinson's disease primarily manifest in the striatum, thalamus, cortex and _ (5,7).
  • bulbarpalsy : a motor neuron disease affecting the brainstem, leading to emotional instability and swallowing defects, progressive _ (6,5).