Motor Development Crossword Puzzle

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  • socialization : process of interaction through people learn socially
  • piaget : known for most widely accepted theory of cognitive development
  • flexibility : range of motion of joints
  • growth : quantitative structural changes that occur with age
  • body composition : ratio of fat to lean muscle
  • psycho : physical domain
  • self concept : our perception of ourselves
  • accommodation : the process of the organism changing to match the environment
  • cognitive : brain domain
  • dynamic : moving
  • product : looking for performance outcomes
  • three : how many domains of human development
  • ectomorph : lean body type
  • cns : eyes are part of what
  • physique : body form or configuration
  • ontogenic : skill that is taught and learned
  • fun : practices should be more what to engage more kids in youth sports
  • maturation : change in body shape and size
  • validity : does it measure what it is supposed to
  • gross movement : large muscles are used for this movement
  • fraction : vision is measured as a what
  • vision : most dominant sense
  • twenty : vision improves until what age
  • reliability : consistent results
  • age : vision declines with what