Food Safety and Hygiene Crossword Puzzle

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Food Safety and Hygiene Crossword Puzzle

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  • carbohydrates : a food group in the eatwell guide that provides energy
  • hygiene : having hair tided back is an example of good _
  • hot : washing up water should be
  • bacteria : like time to multiply
  • towel : the type of cloth you should use to dry your hands after washing
  • sterilise : a process of making something free from bacteria or harmful germs
  • sponge : this should be used to clean dishes and cups
  • fruits : a food group in the eatwell guide, found in vegetables and fruits
  • sink : a place where you clean your dishes
  • soap : you should wash your hands with this before cooking
  • protein : a food group that helps to build and repair the body
  • handwashing : prevents the spread of bacteria