Famous Slogans Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: snickers: hungry? why wait?, twix: it’s all in the mix, 100 grand bar: that’s rich, butterfinger: crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery, capital one: “what’s in your wallet?”, kellogs rice krispies: “snap! crackle! pop!”, gatorade: “is it in you?”, verizon: “can you hear me now? good.”, dunkin donuts: “america runs on dunkin.”, wheaties: “breakfast of champions.”, lays: “betcha can’t eat just one.”, taco bell: “think outside the bun.”, tic tac: it’s not just a mint, youtube: broadcast yourself, starbucks: it’s not just coffee. it’s???, toyota: “let’s go places.”, burger king: “have it your way.”, nike; just do it, kit kat: have a break, have a kit kat, m&ms: melts in your mouth, not in your hand, loreal: because you’re worth it, gillette: the best a man can get, pringles: once you pop, you can’t stop, hallmark: when you care enough to send the very best, apple: think different