Economic Cycle, Signals and Indicators Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: indicators : statistics that provide information about the performance of the economy and its position in the business cycle, gdp : the total value of goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific time period, usually one year, business cycle : a cycle or series of cycles of economic expansion and contraction; peak, downswing, trough, upswing (2 words), unemployment : _ rate - the percentage of the nation's labour force that is unemployed (2 words), inflation : increase in the price level from one year to the next, hyperinflation : a very rapid rise in the price level; an extremely high rate of inflation, participation : _ rate - the percentage of the working-age population in the labour force (2 words), circular : _ flow model - a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms. (3 words), labour : the effort expended by an individual to bring a product or service to the market, land : renewable and non-renewable resources, capital : resources that are converted into goods not directly consumed are used to produce other goods, enterprise : ability that initiates the production process by organizing and combining all necessary factors of production