Endocrine System Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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  • graves disease : hyperthyroidism characterized by goiter and exophthalmos
  • metabolism : all the reactions that take place within the body
  • adh : in diabetes insipidus there are deficient amounts of this hormone
  • dwarfism : insufficient secretion of growth hormone during childhood can lead to this
  • glucose : monosaccharide, primary energy source for body cells
  • chvosteks sign : spasm of the facial muscles produced by sharply tapping over the facial nerve in front of the parotid gland
  • legarthy : drowsiness, laziness, or indifferent
  • cushings syndrome : characterized by truncal obesity, moon face, abd striae, buffalo hump
  • epinephrine : a hormone secreted by adrenal medulla that stimulates many responses to enable the body to react to a stressful situation
  • negative feedback : increase or decrease in substance levels in the blood cause the producing organ to increase or decrease the production
  • norepinephrine : a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that causes vasoconstriction throughout the body
  • tsh : released from the pituitary gland, stimulates the thyroid to release t3 and t4
  • acth : hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary, essential for growth and development
  • glycogen : polysaccharide, storage, of excess glucose in liver and/or muscle
  • addisons disease : caused by chronic adrenalcortical insufficiency due to inadequate adrenal cortex function
  • acromegaly : progressive enlargement of peripheral body parts resulting from excessive secretion of growth hormone
  • thyroid storm : severe life-threatening hyperthyroidism resulting in high pulse, high temp, altered loc
  • prostaglandins : locally acting hormone-like substance produced by virtually all cells from the phospholipids of their cell membrane
  • trousseaus sign : carpopedal spasm induced with inflation of a bp cuff
  • diabetes insipidus : abnormally lg volumes of dilute urine are a sign of this disease