Bones and Joints Crossword Puzzle

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Bones and Joints Crossword Puzzle

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  • synarthroses: immovable joints (pl.)
  • amphiarthroses: slightly movable joints (pl.)
  • diarthroses: freely movable joints (pl.)
  • osteoblasts: "bone-makers" (pl.)
  • osteoclasts: "bone-breakers" (pl.)
  • hydroxyapatite: mineral salt formed from calcium and phosphorus
  • osteoporosis: brittle-bone disease
  • diaphysis: shaft of a long bone
  • meniscus: disc of cartilage that separates joints
  • osteons: microscopic circular units within compact bone (pl.)
  • epiphyses: ends of a long bone (pl.)
  • arthrology: study of joints
  • trabeculae: interconnecting rods and plates in spongy bone
  • canaliculi: "little canls" that connect lacunae
  • lacunae: small spaces or "lakes" between rings of bone
  • osteocytes: "bone-maintainers" (pl.)
  • collagen: structural protein that makes bone flexible
  • kinesiology: study of body movement