Acids and Alkalis Recap Crossword Puzzle

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  • acid : is a solution with a ph value less than 7.
  • alkali : a soluble base.
  • base : a substance that neutralises an acid.
  • concentrated : a solution is c _ if it has a large number of solute particles per unit volume (litre or cubic metre).
  • corrosive : a substance is c _ if it can burn your skin or eyes.
  • dilute : a solution is d _ if it has a small number of solute particles per unit volume (litre or cubic metre).
  • indicator : a substance that changes colour to show whether a solution is acidic or alkaline.
  • neutral : a solution that is neither alkaline nor acidic. its ph is 7.
  • neutralisation : an acid cancels out a base or a base cancels out an acid.
  • ph scale : shows whether a substance is acidic, alkaline, or neutral.
  • salt : a compound made of a metal and non-metal
  • universal indicator : an indicator that changes colour to show the ph of a solution.