Data Classification Crossword Puzzle

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Data Classification Crossword Puzzle

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  • data labeling: tagging data to assign context, meaning, or risk level
  • confidential: information that presents a moderate amount of risk
  • data classification: categorizing, and protecting content according to sensitivity
  • data loss prevention: used to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users (hint: commonly known in acronym form)
  • public: information that presents little to no risk
  • change champion: a person of influence who proactively supports a project by encouraging adoption (hint: you!)
  • cybersecurity: protection of a computer, system, or organization from unauthorized access and hackers
  • standard: a framework outlining best practices and guidelines for an it-related topic (hint: not a policy)
  • restricted: information that presents a significant level of risk
  • purview: the microsoft tool behind commonwealth’s data labels
  • internal: information that presents a limited level of risk
  • sponsor coalition: a group of leaders, usually at the senior executive level, supporting change champions and the project to influence progress (hint: your boss!)