Coastal Erosion Crossword Puzzle

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Coastal Erosion Crossword Puzzle

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  • sea stack : a tall column of rock, caused by erosion and collapsed arch
  • tides : the rising and falling levels of the ocean's surface
  • shore : the land along the edge of a sea, lake or large river
  • cave : a natural opening in the earth's surface
  • abrasion : the process of small pebbles and sand wearing down shorelines
  • wave cut platform : a flat area in front of a cliff, slightly below the low tide mark
  • the pentland firth : has the strongest tides ; making it a good location for a tidal power plant
  • low tide : when water retreats to its lowest level
  • solution : a type of erosion caused by rock and seawater chemical reactions
  • hydraulic action : forceful waves hitting the coastline, creating cracks in cliffs with trapped air until the air bursts the cliff
  • headland : a piece of land on the coast that sticks out into the sea
  • stump : a small pillar of rock left after a sea stack collapses
  • coast : where land meets sea
  • beaches : sandy shorelines made from eroded materials
  • coastal erosion : the process caused by rising sea levels, strong waves and flooding
  • high tide : the ocean faces the moon and the water is pulled the most