Earthquake Awareness Month Crossword Puzzle

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Earthquake Awareness Month Crossword Puzzle

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  • preparedness : a set of measures taken by individuals, organizations and society to minimize the effects of an earthquake.
  • resilience : the ability to respond and adapt to disasters.
  • evacuation : the act of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe.
  • seismograph : a device used to measure and record vibrations within the earth.
  • epicenter : the starting point of an earthquake.
  • fault : a break in the earth’s crust that can lead to an earthquake.
  • safety : the state of being free from harm or danger.
  • magnitude : a measure used to describe the overall strength or size of an earthquake.
  • earthquake : vibrations in the earth’s crust caused by the buildup of pressure.
  • shockwave : a wave of high amplitude caused by an earthquake.
  • intensity : the severity of an earthquake and its effects on the earth’s surface and human life and infrastructure.
  • focus : the place of origin of an earthquake.
  • tsunami : a series of ocean waves caused by an earthquake, landslide or volcanic eruption.
  • crust : the outermost layer of the earth, mainly composed of rocks.
  • tremor : a quivering or vibratory motion.
  • richter : a logarithmic scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake.
  • aftershock : a minor shock following the event of an earthquake.
  • tectonics : the study of the structure of earth’s crust, especially its formation of folds and faults.
  • hold : protective position during an earthquake - drop, cover and _