Distinctive Landscapes Crossword Puzzle

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Distinctive Landscapes Crossword Puzzle

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  • oxbow lakes : an oxbow lake is a u-shaped body of water that forms when a wide meander from the main stem of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing lake.
  • mechanical : type of weathering- process of breaking up rocks into smaller pieces without changing
  • traction : where a current transports larger, heavier rocks by rolling or sliding them along the bottom of a river bed
  • saltation : transport by fluids by wind or water
  • solution : chemicals in the rivers and solution break away at the rocks overtime
  • waterfalls : commonly found in the upper course of a river. geographical feature where water flows at a vertical drop
  • abrasion : where boulders and stones wear away the river banks and bed
  • sedimentary : rocks formed from layers of sand and slit
  • chemical : type of weathering- breaking down of rocks by using chemical reactions which can come from the rain
  • suspension : transporting fine sediment in water
  • glaciation : large bodies of ice that form and move across the earth’s surface
  • middle : type of river course- where tributaries join and lateral erosion occurs.
  • gorges : geographical feature with deep, narrow valley with steep, rocky walls located between hills or mountains
  • biological : type of weathering- natural organisms break down rocks
  • hydraulic action : where moving water, such as waves or river currents, wears away or changes the land it flows over
  • lower : type of river coarse- where it meets the sea, with wide and deep channels due to carrying a large volume of water.
  • upper : type of river course- high altitude, characterized by small channels and vertical erosion.
  • attrition : where rocks and particles carried by a river that hit each other and the riverbed or the shore, causing them to break into smaller pieces
  • igneous : hard and dense rock- cooled molten rock
  • metamorphic : rocks formed by other rocks that are changed by heat and pressure underground
  • meanders : winding curve or bend in a river