Types of Sedimentary Rock Crossword Puzzle
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- sandstone: you can find this type of rock in south dakota national park
- halite: you can find this rock at the great salt lake in utah
- marine alga: this is not a rock but a fossil
- earth: where all rocks are formed
- texture: how the rocks feel
- clastic: forms when sediments are buried compacted together by quartz
- chemical: forms when water usually evaporates
- organic: forms from the remains of once living-plants and animals
- rock: a combination of one or minerals or organic matter
- marble: a nonfoliated metamorphic rock
- extrusive: rock that forms when lava erupts or the earth's surface
- intrusive: when magma does not reach earth's surface
- igneous: rock forms when hot liquid cools into a solid rock
- crystals: slow cooling magma that has time to form large minerals
- coal: it forms when plants materials is buried