Theory of Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle

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Theory of Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle

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  • seismology : the branch of science that deals with the study of earthquakes.
  • tectonic plates : the large sections of the earth's lithosphere that move over time.
  • pangea : the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago.
  • intensity : the degree of shaking of earth at any given place.
  • divergent boundary : the type of boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  • seismograph : an instrument to detect the occurrence of earthquakes.
  • seismologist : scientists who study earthquakes.
  • seafloor spreading : the process where magma rises and creates new oceanic crust.
  • alfred wegener : the scientist who proposed the continental drift theory.
  • convergent theory : the type of boundary where two plates collide or push against each other.