Protein Synthesis Crossword Puzzle
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- protein: a key substances for all aspects of cell life.
- dna: are like a coded message. not useful until it is decoded.
- transcription: when complementary mrna is made using the information in the dna gene.
- anticodon: a special three-base sequence.
- gene: defined as a dna segment that carries the information for building one protein.
- ribonucleic acid: messenger and decoder functions are carried out by a second type of nucleic acid.
- translation: when the information carried in mrna molecules is decoded and translated from nucleic acids into proteins.
- ribosomal rna: helps form the ribosomes, where proteins are built.
- protein synthesis: every cell needs to produce protein.
- codons: corresponding three-base sequences on mrna.
- triplet: three-base sequence specifying particular amino acid on the dna gene.
- globular: perform functional roles in the body.
- transfer rna: molecules are small, cloverleaf-shaped molecules that escort amino acid to ribosome.
- messenger rna: molecules are long, single nucleotide strands that resemble half of a dna molecule.