Pressure Injury Education Crossword Puzzle

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Pressure Injury Education Crossword Puzzle

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  • friction : lift sheets, elbow pads and heel booties reduce _ by prevention the skin from rubbing against sheets or other surfaces
  • two : the stage where the epidermis peels away or cracks open, dermis may be partially worn. looks like a blister, abrasion or shallow crater
  • two : a person who cannot reposition themselves should be repositioned every _ hours.
  • immobility : _ is the underlying cause of all pressure ulcers
  • wrinkled : soiled, wet or excessively _ linens can lead to skin breakdown and pressure ulcers.
  • nurse: who do you tell if you believe a resident is developing a pressure injury?
  • fluid: good nutrition and adequate _ intake help to keep the skin healthy.
  • dry: keeping the skin clean and _ is essential to preventing skin breakdown and pressure ulcer development
  • one : the stage that appears as a reddened area of the skin that is nonblanchable.
  • decreases : pressure squeezes the tissues in between the bone and the surface a person is sitting or lying on. as a result, blood flow to the tissue....
  • painful: pressure ulcers are very _ and difficult to treat.
  • four : the stage when the damaged tissue extends all the way through the tissues to the muscle or bone
  • three : the stage when the epidermis and dermis are gone. subcutaneous fat may be visible.