Running Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: marathon : a long-distance running race, usually 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) long. example: he trained hard for months to run his first marathon, stamina : the ability to sustain physical or mental effort for a long time; endurance or perseverance. example: running regularly can improve your stamina and health, pace : the speed or rate at which someone runs, measured by the time taken to cover a certain distance. example: she kept a steady pace throughout the race, track : a circular or oval course or path for running, usually with lanes marked for different competitors. example: she ran three laps around the track as a warm-up, trail : a rough or narrow path for running, usually in a natural or wild area. example: he likes trail running because it is more challenging and scenic than running on roads, sprinting : running at full speed over a short distance, usually in a competition or as part of a training. example: she won the gold medal in the 100-meter sprinting event, running : the act or sport of moving swiftly on foot, especially in a race or for exercise. example: she enjoys running every morning in the park, treadmill : a device or machine with a moving belt on which someone runs, usually indoors and for exercise. example: she uses the treadmill at the gym when the weather is bad, stride : a long step or the distance covered by such a step when running. example: he lengthened his stride to catch up with the leader, jogging : running at a slow or moderate pace, usually for fitness or leisure. example: he goes jogging with his dog every evening.