Peacemakers Crossword Puzzle

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Peacemakers Crossword Puzzle

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  • love: matt 5:44 but i say unto you, _ your enemies
  • give acts 20:35 it is more blessed to _ than to receive.
  • sacrifices: hebrews 13:16 for with such _ - god is well pleased.
  • giver: 2 corinthians 9:7 god loveth a cheerful _ .
  • peacemakers: matt 5:9 blessed are the _ : for they shall be called the children of god.
  • pity: proverbs 19:17 - he that hath _ upon the poor lendeth unto the lord;
  • angels: hebrews 13:2 - be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained _ unawares.
  • given: luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be _ unto you;
  • service: mosiah 2:17 when ye are in the _ of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your god.
  • charity: moroni 7:45 and _ suffereth long, is kind, and envieth not...
  • christ: moroni 7:47 charity is the pure love of _ , and it endureth forever;
  • pray: moroni 7:38 _ unto the father that ye may be filled with this love,
  • faith: alma 7:24. see that ye have , _ ,hope, and charity,