Jesus Heals Blind Man Crossword Puzzle

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Jesus Heals Blind Man Crossword Puzzle

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  • birth : the blind man had been blind from _ .
  • sinned : the man born blind was not born that way because he or his parents had _
  • god : the man was born blind so that the works of _ might be displayed in him.
  • light : while jesus is in the world, he is the _ of the world.
  • neighbors : who first noticed that the blind man could see?
  • pharisees : who noticed that the man had been healed on the sabbath?
  • sabbath : the pharisees tried to discredit jesus by claiming that he broke the _ .
  • miracles : some of the pharisees thought jesus was a godly man because of the _ he performed.
  • liar : the pharisees tried to discredit the formerly blind man by calling him a _ .
  • synagogue : the pharisees agreed to throw anyone out of the _ who confessed jesus to be the messiah/christ.
  • moses : the pharisees claimed to be disciples of _ .
  • worshiped : what did the man do once he surrendered his life to jesus as lord?