Nazism and the Holocaust Crossword Puzzle
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- nazis : came into power in germany and lasted until 1945
- militarism : building up of a country's armed forces
- purge : getting rid of something
- depression : money became extremely inflated
- reparations : money germany had to pay to the countries they caused so much destruction in
- jews : people who were deported to concentration camps
- chancellor : hitler's occupation in 1933
- allies : moved across europe in 1945 and liberated camps as they traveled
- israel : a place jewish people could call home
- facism : type of government led by a dictator
- yellow star : required to be worn by every jewish person
- weimar republic : the government established in germany after ww i
- wwii : what was started on september 1, 1939
- dictatorship : form of government that existed in germany during the mid 1930s
- alliance : agreements between countries to help each other when needed
- imperialism : a county obtains new land for wealth and power
- aryan : people who were considered a 'pure' race
- versailles : treaty that stripped germany of its military, took away land, and forced them to pay reparations
- soldier : hitler's occupation during wwi
- austria : annexed to germany in 1938
- nazi party : promised to restore germany and make it a world power
- nazism : symbols of this were outlawed in 1945
- us banks : needed germany to repay debts, but couldn't so businesses failed
- hitler : leader of the national socialist german worker's party