Genetics and Evolution Crossword Puzzle

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Genetics and Evolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • asexual : the formation of living things from one parent only
  • sexual : the production of living things by combining cells from two parents
  • gamete : a sex cell
  • fertilisation : the joining or fusion of sex cells
  • characteristics : traits or features of an organism that can be passed on from parents to their offspring
  • variation : differences in humans/organisms
  • inheritance : differences that are passed on from one parent to their children by genes
  • noninheritance : differences that are not controlled by genes
  • chromosomes : thread-like structures found in the nucleus of each plant and animal cell
  • genes : short section of dna located on chromosomes
  • dominant : gene that is represented with a capital letter (e.g. b for brown eyes)
  • recessive : gene that is represented with a lowercase letter (e.g. b for blue eyes)
  • genotype : the genes an organism possesses
  • phenotype : what the organism looks like
  • homozygous : two of the same gene (both dominant or both recessive)
  • heterozygous : two different genes (one dominant and one recessive)
  • biodiversity : different types of living things
  • evolution : the process by which different kinds of living things develop from earlier forms by genetic changes over long periods of time.
  • species : a group of living things that can reproduce together to produce offspring which themselves can reproduce
  • mutation : a change in a gene
  • fossils : the remains of very ancient living things