Biological Approach Assumption Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: four: there are _ regions in the cerebral cortex, parietal: the lobe that receives sensory information, wernicke: _ 's area is associated with language comprehension, gaba: _ is the calming neurotransmitter, dopamine: schizophrenia has been found to be associated with high levels of _ , environment: eea stands for _ of evolutionary adaptiveness, synapse: where neurons communicate with each other, localisation: _ of brain function is the second biological assumptions, broca: _ 's area is associated with speech production, prefrontal cortex: the area of the brain that is associated with our personality, auditory: the temporal lobes are responsible for _ processing, natural selection: darwin's theory that any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individual's chance of survival and reproduction is caused by _ _ , neurotransmitters: third biological assumption, receptor: the neurotransmitters bind to the _ cells to transmit the information to the next neuron, presynaptic: neurotransmitters are released from the _ vesicles, occipital: the lobe associated with visual processing, mood: serotonin is the mood neurotransmitter, little: depression has been found to caused by people having too _ serotonin, dendrites: the branches at the end of each neuron, love: oxytocin is referred to as the ' _ hormone', chemical: neurotransmitters are _ messengers.