Organelles of the Cell Crossword Puzzle

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Organelles of the Cell Crossword Puzzle

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  • cellmembrane : allows communication between the interior and the exterior of the cell. has a double lipid layer.
  • nucleus : contains dna.
  • nucleolus : located within the nucleus. ribosomes made here.
  • ribosomes : site for the messenger rna and translates into proteins.
  • cytoplasm : cytosol plus the organelles.
  • cytoskeleton : contains three primary filaments: microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate fibers. maintains shape of the cell.
  • mitochondria : "the powerhouse of the cell" makes usable energy called atp.
  • plantcell : this type of cell has a cell wall and contains chloroplasts.
  • cytosol : surrounds the organelles inside the cell.
  • roughter : has what appears to be dots (ribosomes) on the surface of the organelle.
  • golgiapparatus : packages and delivers enzymes and hormones within the cell.
  • animalcell : this type of cell does not have a cell wall but there are centrioles present.