Microbiology and Immune System Crossword Puzzle
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- genetic immunity : inborn ingerited or species immunity
- titer : level of antibodies in the blood
- inflammation : classic symptoms are redness heat swelling pain
- phagocytes : describes the wbcs particularly neutrophils and monocytes
- fever : treated with an antipyretic drug
- antigen : a foreign substance that provokes immune response
- lymphocytes : t and b cells
- immunotolerance : recognition of self
- autoimmune disease : attack against self
- macrophage : cell responsible for antigen presentation
- thymus gland : site where t cells mature and differentiate
- bone marrow : site where b cells mature and differentiate
- parasites : organisms that require a living host in which to survive
- disease : failure of the body to function normally
- pathogen : disease causing organisms
- infection : disease caused by pathogen or its toxins
- vector : an object that transfers a pathogen from one to another
- nosocomial : hospital acquired infection
- zoonosis : an animal disease transmissible to humans
- bacteria : coccus bacillus curved rod
- virus : acts as a parasite to the infected cell
- fungi : mycotic infections
- protozoa : single cell animal like microbes