Drama Terms Review Crossword Puzzle

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Drama Terms Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • character : an individual in a literary work of fiction, drama, or narrative poetry.
  • verbal : this type of irony a person says one thing but means another.
  • comedy : drama that is humorous and often has a happy ending.
  • irony : a contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality.
  • prologue : introductory section of a play, speech, or other literary work.
  • monologue : a long speech given by a character in a literary work, especially a drama.
  • act : a major unit within a drama or play. similar to chapters in a book.
  • dramatic : type of irony where the audience or reader knows information the characters on stage do not know.
  • resolution : when the conflict unravels, a general insight or change occurs, and the story concludes.
  • exposition : the part of the story that introduces the characters, the setting, background info, and the basic conflict/situation.
  • tragedy : a work of literature that results in a catastrophe or major downfall, usually death, for the main character.
  • dynamic : this type of character undergoes an important mental or physical change in the story.
  • script : written text containing the words actors speak, along with the stage directions, descriptions of the action taking place, and the setting/scenery.
  • dialogue : a conversation between two or more characters.
  • flat : little information is revealed about this type of character; underdeveloped.
  • climax : a drama's highest point of interest, or suspense, that causes the shift from rising action to falling action.
  • static : this type of character remains unchanged throughout the story.
  • drama : a story told mainly through the words and actions of characters, written to be performed by actors, and told in front of an audience.
  • situational : type of irony where the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of what is expected.
  • teleplay : a play written for television.
  • protagonist : the central character in a work with whom the main conflict revolves around. the audience typically sympathizes with this character.
  • antagonist : a person or a force in society or nature that opposes the protagonist.
  • scene : a smaller unit of a drama that often indicates a change in location or time.