Chemistry of the Atmosphere Crossword Puzzle

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  • nitrogen : the gas which makes up most of our atmosphere today (78%) (n _ )
  • oxygen : the gas in our atmosphere that we need to stay alive (21%) (o _ )
  • carbon dioxide : the gas in our atmosphere that plants take in during photosynthesis (c _ d _ )
  • methane : a greenhouse gas produced by cattle (m _ )
  • water vapour: a greenhouse gas (w _ v _ )
  • volcanoes : things that covered the earths surface 4.5 billion years ago that erupted releasing carbon dioxide into our atmosphere (v _ )
  • fossil fuels : coal, oil and gas are examples of these, and formed by squashing plants and animals over millions of years (f _ f _ )
  • global warming : the planet getting hotter due to greenhouse gases (g _ w _ )
  • carbon footprint : amount of greenhouse gases produced over the life of a person, product or event (c _ f _ )
  • soot : solid carbon particulate produced from incomplete combustion (s _ )
  • sulfur dioxide : this gas, along with nox, can dissolve in water to form acid rain (s _ d _ )
  • carbon monoxide : this gas can kill people rapidly - the 'silent killer' and is produced from incomplete combustion (c _ m _ )
  • combustion : reaction that needs a fuel, oxygen and heat to proceed (c _ )