Charles Darwin (Evolution) Crossword Puzzle

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Charles Darwin (Evolution) Crossword Puzzle

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  • adaptions : inherited traits that give an individual an advantage in its particular environment
  • natural selection : a mechanism that darwin used to explain how evolution could happen
  • types of food : matched the shape of the beaks of the finches
  • galapagos : _ islands - an archipelago of 13 volcanic islands and 6 smaller ones
  • selection : individuals with certain adaptions will survive long enough to reproduce
  • selective breeding : the process of intentional modification of a species through human actions that encourage the breeding of several traits
  • beagle : the ship that darwin went on a 5 year journey
  • stabilizing : _ selection - a populations genetic traits shift towards an average and selects against extremes
  • tortoise shells : were shaped differently based on the unique conditions of climate and vegetation on each island.
  • over production : darwin's theory of natural selection- when a plant o animal reproduces, more offspring are produced than can possibly survive
  • variations : within a species, there are natural differences or variations in traits between individuals
  • evolution : species develop adaptations over time through a process called _ .
  • predator : an animal that hunts and kills another animal for food