Cardiac System Crossword Puzzle

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Cardiac System Crossword Puzzle

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  • arrhythmia : abnormal heart beat
  • murmur : superimposed noises on normal heart sounds
  • cad : narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the heart
  • mitral valve : aka biscuspid valve
  • asystole : non-shockable rhythm
  • hypertrophy : enlargement of the heart due to increased workload
  • pericardium : membrane surrounding the heart
  • atherosclerosis : build up of plaque in arteries
  • sinoatrial node : aka inherent pacemaker
  • asa : abbreviation for aspirin
  • vad : mechanical pump that aids the ventricles
  • stemi : severe heart attack
  • myocardium : muscle layer of heart
  • palpitation : an irregular heart beat
  • beta blocker : anti-hypertensive medication
  • tachycardia : faster than normal heart rate
  • aorta : largest artery
  • thrombus : blood clot
  • pulmonary artery : artery that carries deoxygenated blood
  • nitroglycerin : vasodilator