Bacteriology Crossword Puzzle

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Bacteriology Crossword Puzzle

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  • acute infection: infection that develop and progress slowly
  • barophilic: an organism that grow rapidly in the presence of high pressure
  • capnophiles: a microorganism that requires 5-10% co2
  • diploarrangement: bacterial arrangement in pairs
  • fimbria: short hairlike proteinaceous structure
  • glycocalyx: acts as a bacterial attachment agent on solid objects or surface tissues
  • ignaz semmelweis: first doctor to discover the importance of handwashing
  • joseph lister: father of modern surgery
  • louis pasteur: father of modern microbiology
  • midstream clean catch: specimen of choice for urine
  • nasopharyngeal swab: best type of swab for culture
  • oral cavity: the reservoir of abiotrophia species
  • phenotypic: based on observable physical or metabolic characteristics of bacteria
  • phenylethyl alcohol agar: selective isolation for gram positive cocci and anaerobic gram negative bacilli
  • regan lowe: enrichment and selective media for bordetella pertusis
  • rothia mucilaginosa: an oral-commensal emerging pathogen of immunocompromised patients
  • systemic infection: spread throughout the body by blood or lymph
  • symptoms: objective feelings
  • toxigenicity: ability of an organism to produce toxins
  • virulence: exhibit pathogenicity to the host