Types of Injuries & Health Conditions Crossword Puzzle

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Types of Injuries & Health Conditions Crossword Puzzle

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  • cyberchondriac : people who always google their symptoms in order to find an illness
  • blister : a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or by burning
  • hypochondriac : people who always are over worried with their health and afraid of they have a serious illness
  • bruise : an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken
  • sprain : a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments
  • sting : when an insect, plant or animal hurts (someone) by piercing the skin with a sharp, pointed part that usually contains poison
  • tumor : a group of hurt cells that produce new ones uncontrollable and could start an illness
  • splinter : when a small needle - like particles enter into the body
  • fracture : breaking of hard tissues
  • bite : a wound inflicted by a snake, insect, or spider
  • unconscious : a state when a person can't control himself and doesn't feel anything. usually he falls down
  • pressure : kind of force makes your blood flowing through your body
  • burn : an injury caused by exposure to heat of flame
  • emergency : an accident that requires fast actions to save lives
  • whiplash : injury caused by a severe jerk to the head typically in a car accident
  • swell : it's a process when injuries tends to become larger and rounder
  • ache : another word to say 'pain'.
  • aid : people should do this till an ambulance is coming but only when they know how to do that
  • cough : push air through the throat with a loud sound
  • cut : a long, narrow incision in the skin made by something sharp
  • bandage : it should be made in order to stop bleeding
  • sunburn : a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spend too long in the strong heat of the sun
  • graze : a slight injury where the skin is scraped
  • temperature : a measure of how warm is your body