The Middle East Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: fertile crescent: the earth's earliest people lived here (2 words), euphrates: one of the rivers known from the earliest of times, mesopotamia: the land between the rivers, sumer: what was one of the first known civilizations located in southern mesopotamia?, wheel: sumerians are credited with inventing writing and the _ , farming: what was the main occupation/work of the sumerians?, creation: what did the sumerians worship instead of the creator?, nomads: people who are constantly on the move- often living in tents, phoenicians: invented blown glass and expensive purple dye and an alphabet, babylonians: conquered the assyrians and captured the tribes of judah- among them daniel, lydians: makers of money, dry: the climate of the middle east, peninsula: land surrounded mostly by water (like on 3 sides); arabian is the largest one, dromedary: a one humped camel, olive: this tree provided oil for cooking as well as light, arabic: the language of most people of the middle east, islam: the religion of most people of the middle east, oil: one reason the middle east is important in the world is because of this natural resource, religions: the three most important _ began in the middle east.