the Kingdom of Mali Crossword Puzzle

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  • salt: exchanged like money
  • mansamusa: the ruler of mali
  • leoafricanus: he visited mali
  • sahara: the desert north of mali
  • caravan: a group of travellers
  • camel: an animal used in trade
  • djenne: where the great mosque was built
  • timbuktu: the capital of mali
  • mosque: where muslims worship
  • mecca: where muslims go on pilgramage
  • niger: timbuktu is next to this river
  • books: a valuable trade item
  • islam: main religion in mali
  • songhai: the kingdom that came after mali
  • cairo: gold lost its value here after mansa musa's visit
  • pope: leo africanus was given to him as a slave
  • akan: mali's gold came from here
  • medicine: studied at the universities of timbuktu
  • arabic: scrolls were written in this language