Techcrunch Chronology Crossword Puzzle

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Techcrunch Chronology Crossword Puzzle

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  • marketing: the magnavox odyssey wasn't a big success due to poor ...
  • desert: due to the north american video games crash in 1983, many games were buried in the ...
  • light gun: the prototype by ralph baer already had a gaming tool for a shooting game. what was it?
  • internet: the invention of what made online-gaming possible?
  • brown box: (2 words), the first game system prototype created by ralph baer,released in 1967
  • atari : a company that released the first real electronic game
  • arcade: the room, where you were able to play pong, space invaders and many more
  • dream cast: the first internet-ready console produced by sega in 2000
  • midi maze: (2 words) the system that made it possible to link different computers
  • smartphone: since 2007 there was big shift to ... gaming
  • doom: famous ego-shooter game, released in 1993
  • vr: short for virtual reality
  • vcs: the first atari console withe external rom slot, other name than atari 2600
  • multiplayer: the mode in which you can play with your friends
  • clan: name for an organised group of gamers, synonym for guild or faction
  • pong: the name of the first real electronic game
  • plato: short for programmed logic for automatic teaching operation
  • lan: especially the game pathway to darkness made what multiplayer experience possible, that started in the early 90s)?