Poetry Terminology Crossword Puzzle
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- simile : language device that describes one thing like another
- personification : an object is given human qualities
- juxtaposition : two conflicting ideas put together
- tone : mood or atmosphere created by the poem
- caesura : a poetic line is broken by certain punctuation
- speaker : the character or voice in the poem
- end-stop : a full stop at the end of a poetic line
- rhyme : words in the poem have the same or a similar sound
- rhythm : the shape or pattern of a poem when read aloud
- metaphor : language device that describes one thing as another
- stanza : poetic equivalent of a paragraph
- repetition : one word or an idea appears multiple times
- alliteration : words near each other start with the same sound
- motif : a symbol or idea that appears repeatedly
- symbolism : use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
- enjambment : a phrase runs from one poetic line onto the next.
- onomatopoeia : a word expresses a sound
- poet : the creator of the poem