Nutrition and Digestion Crossword Puzzle

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  • anus : a human organ where faeces pass out.
  • carbohydrate : more commonly known as sugar, the type of nutrient that provide energy for our body.
  • oesophagus : a muscular pipe that links our mouth with our stomach.
  • protein : the biological molecule needed for growth and muscle repair.
  • large intestine : an organ that absorb water and store faeces.
  • lipid : the nutient needed for insulation and energy storage.
  • small intestine : an organ that break down large food molecules and absorb the nutrients.
  • emulsion : the white cloudy precipitate forms when lipid is mixed with alcohol and water.
  • starch : a type of nutrient commonly found in bread, rice and noodles.
  • vitamin : the type of essential nutrient needed to prevent deficiency diseases.
  • iodine : colour changes from brown to blue black when added to starch.
  • digestion : the process that break down food pieces and absorb the nutrients.
  • biuret : a solution that changes from blue to purple when protein is added.
  • stomach : an organ that releases digestive juice and mix food together by churning.