Neuron Cell Crossword Puzzle

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Neuron Cell Crossword Puzzle

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  • axon terminal : allows the neuron to conduct electrical impulses down to another neuron, or any type of cell by the release of signals into the synapse
  • myelin : protect the axons and helps to speed nerve transmissions
  • soma : produces the proteins that the other parts of the neuron need to function properly, including the dendrite axons and synapses need to function properly
  • node of ranvier : allow the generation of a fast electrical impulse along the axon
  • schwann cell : active cells in charge of axonal, and myelin debris clearance
  • nucleus : acts as the cells brain and tells it how to grow and when to reproduce
  • axon : carries electrical impulses that are the means of communication within the brain, and between the brain and the rest of the body
  • dendrite : receives data or signals from another neuron