Natural Selection & Charles Darwin Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: finches : the kind of birds that darwin noticed on the galapagos islands, camouflage : blend in with surroundings, adaptation : any variation that makes an organism better suited to its environment, beagle : the name of the ship on which darwin took his famous voyage, evolution : when inherited traits of a population change over time, galapagos : the islands on which darwin found many new species, fittest : survival of the _ means that those best suited for the environment are likely to survive and reproduce, artificial : _ selection is when individuals are selected for breeding because of certain traits they have and can pass on to their offspring, variations : inherited traits that make an individual different from other members of its species, twenty two : darwin's age when he set sail, natural : part two of darwin's theory of evolution says that evolution occurs by _ selection, charles darwin : developed the idea of natural selection, happens : part one of darwin's theory of evolution says that evolution _ .