Meta Skills Crossword Puzzle

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Meta Skills Crossword Puzzle

PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key.


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  • focusing: filtering out non-important information. sorting and filtering.
  • integrity: always staying true to your values.
  • adapting: being open to change and responding to changing circumstances.
  • initiative: thinking for yourself, taking responsibility and making decisions.
  • communicating: sharing information in an appropriate manner.
  • feeling: having empathy for others.
  • collaborating: working effectively as part of a team.
  • leading: influencing, motivating and inspiring others.
  • curiosity: being able to ask the right questions and source relevant information.
  • creativity: thinking of solutions to a problem.
  • sense making: recognising patterns and analysing data.
  • critical thinking: breaking down a problem and thinking logically to solve it.